A healthy rosti recipe with root vegetables

Healthy rosti with root vegetables
Image: @deliciousmag

Getting your child to love vegetables is a stumbling block almost every parent comes across. Psychologists suggest that the trick is in the way you communicate: do not tell your children that vegetables are healthy. Instead, give them a taste of the real thing and practice what you preach.

Rosti is a traditional meal of Swiss peasants made with grated potatoes and fried in a pan. We rethink this classic meal by giving it a healthy twist with the addition of such ingredients as coconut oil and a whole range of root vegetables. We also substitute frying for baking, a much healthier cooking method with equally tasty results.


Leek (the white end only) — 10 cm piece
Potatoes — 150 g
Sweet potatoes — 150 g
Parsnip root — 150 g
Celery root — 150 g
Coconut oil — 3 tbl sp
Salt — 1/4 tsp
Ground coriander — 1/2 tsp
Grated parmesan — 3-4 tbsp (optional)
Breadcrumbs — 2 tbsp
Chives, parsley — 2-3 sprigs of each
Sour cream or Greek yoghurt to serve


  • Cut the leek base in half and finely slice each one. Fry in a small amount of coconut oil for 3-5 minutes. Use a heatproof pan that can then go in the oven.
  • Take the pan off the job and heat the oven up to 200°C.
  • Peel the potatoes, sweets potatoes, celery and parsnip and chop up into a julienne cut (matchstick size) or use a berner vegetable peeler, if you have one. It is best not to use a grater. This helps to prevent the mixture from getting too soggy and retains the nice texture.
  • Add all the vegetables into the pan with the leek, add coconut oil, coriander and salt. Gently press the mixture with a spoon to create an even flat surface. Put in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the hot dish with breadcrumbs and grated parmesan and bake for another 10 minutes until the top is crispy and golden.
  • Take it out from the oven and let it cool down for another 5-7 minutes before cutting it to serve.
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